Many medical professionals, including oncologists, are of the opinion that cancer and other diseases are actually just immune disorders. After all, our bodies were created to have an immune system that protects us from illness, infection, and disease. Sadly, the majority of us have immune systems that are out of balance and significantly weaker than they could be due to a combination of chemicals in the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the food we eat, as well as a lifestyle that lacks proper nutrition, physical activity, and exercise. Disease and illness are able to establish themselves as a result. Children with Cancer
Nearly every modern medication has negative effects. A lot of them also weaken our immune system and have side effects that can cause other health issues. This is a major reason why natural treatments frequently work so well: Many natural foods, vitamins, and supplements not only help fight cancer and other diseases, but they also help build a strong immune system to fight disease without the side effects of modern drugs or radiation.
There is one certainty: If you want to beat cancer, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, or any other major disease, fighting back with your entire body and mind will give you the best chance. Better your chances are, the stronger your immune system, the healthier your life, and the less stressed your mind are, the better off you will be. As a result, I've included a lot of content from my book "A Guide to Living a Long and Healthy Life: which can be found in my book "Cancer's Natural Enemy" and will serve as the foundation for my upcoming book "How to Live a Long and Healthy Life" to give you the best chance of beating cancer and other diseases. Here are some things you should do if you have cancer, HIV/AIDS, or another disease:
Cleanse your body as soon as possible to get rid of toxins like pesticides and heavy metals, as well as food that hasn't been digested, feces, and gallstones that build up in the body. Chelation removes heavy metals from the body. Disease and illness are brought on and bred by these contaminations. The immune system of the body, which should be your first line of defense, is weakened by a toxic and unclean body. In addition, the body is much more open to the good things you do to rebuild your immune system and fight disease after it has been cleansed.
Make certain that you no longer have habits that weaken your immune system and that you are able to build your body to fight and conquer illness by immediately eliminating bad habits and beginning to build good ones. Keep in mind that a bad habit is similar to an invitation for disease to enter your body. Some of the essentials include exercise, a well-balanced diet, pure water, clean air, sunshine, and fresh air. You will discover that a healthy diet does not have to taste bad; in fact, the opposite is true! However, it should be noted that the diet that is closest to what our ancestors ate is the best and most healthy diet: a lot of raw, uncooked vegetables, fruits, nuts, roots, and tubers, as well as fish and meat that haven't been tainted by growth hormones, synthetic fertilizers, or pesticides, and very little grain or dairy products. Also, regular exercise doesn't have to be hard, but it's important. The fact that people who exercise only a few hours a week have a 50 percent lower risk of developing a variety of cancers is not an accident.
Rebuild and improve the body's natural defenses against infection. Your illness probably started because you had a weaker immune system in the first place. You will absolutely be able to beat your illness and keep it at bay with a rebuilt and strengthened immune system. Again, good habits, nutrition, and diet are all important because they build a strong immune system. However, they are not sufficient on their own. You want to establish a solid foundation before making your body a healthy defense against illness. Disease and illness simply despise healthy hosts. Disease can't survive and grow as easily if your immune system is weaker. Additionally, in addition to eating the healthiest foods, you need additional measures in the form of supplements to achieve your highest level of strength. There are a lot of good ones, and in this article, I've listed the ones I think are the best and some of the healthiest foods.
Get plenty of sunshine and clean water, and drink plenty of it. Every living thing needs water to be healthy; However, pesticides, carcinogens, and other industrial pollutants can be found in trace amounts in regular tap water. As a result, only the purest drinking water, such as reverse osmosis filtered water, is recommended by the author. Although it may sound strange, exposure to sunlight has been found to be crucial in preventing melanoma. However, avoid getting too much sun.
Exercise sparingly. When compared to the best HGH supplements and stimulators—many of which are bogus—exercise stimulates the production of hormones and pheromones that make us happier, healthier, and simply leads to a longer and happier life period. It also stimulates the immune system several times more than exercise does.
Going on the attack is the sixth step in overcoming your illness and keeping it at bay. Since they make the body strong and inhospitable to disease, all of the components of the anti-cancer and disease protocol are actually components of attack. But I'm not just talking about making your body hostile to your disease; I'm also talking about going on the offensive and eliminating it! There are numerous potent anti-cancer supplements for cancer. I have listed many of the ones I believe to be the very best ones in this section. Some of the best ones both strengthen the immune system and attack cancer cells. My book "Cancer's Natural Enemy," my document "A Guide for Living a Long and Healthy Life," and an upcoming book with the same title ("How to Live a Long and Healthy Life") include a number of excellent alternatives.
Sugar should be avoided as much as possible. Sugar fuels cancer and other diseases and contributes to numerous other health issues. The World Health Organization acknowledges that refined sugar is the leading cause of global health issues!
Your mental attitude is the final factor that will determine your victory. Reduce your level of stress as much as possible and believe that you will prevail. Worrying and stress have no effect, and even worse, they actually help diseases and illnesses. You must be familiar with the phrase "stress, the silent killer." It is real! Therefore, you must do everything in your power to reduce stress and strengthen your mental attitude. Do whatever it takes to reduce stress and maintain a positive outlook on life—meditate, practice yoga, change jobs, retire, go fishing, or find a relaxing hobby. Keep in mind that during this battle, no one is your friend or an ally if they bring stress or worry into your life. And let's be clear: this is a fight, probably the most important one of your life. But you can and will win this battle. Live it, think about it, and believe it!
The Best Supplements Nerium Oleander Extract The common oleander plant, nerium oleander, should be the first thing on a plan to beat cancer and other diseases. The oleander plant, which the Bible refers to as the "desert rose," has been used as a folk remedy in the Middle East for more than two thousand years. When a Turkish doctor by the name of Huseyin Zima Ozel discovered that rural villagers in Turkey were astonishingly free of cancer and other diseases in 1960, he rediscovered the potency of this potent plant. Doctor Ozel has been successfully treating patients in Turkey for the past 40 years. In 1998, he received a patent for an oleander extract that has passed FDA phase I trials. In lab tests conducted at prestigious medical centers like MD Anderson and the Cleveland Clinic, oleander extract was found to increase the body's natural T-cells that kill cancer and kill cancer cells and tumors.
The ability of oleander extract to stimulate the human immune system—the body's natural first line of defense against illness and disease—is another amazing property. Schizophylan, Krestin, and Lentinan, all of which were patented by the Japanese in the early 1980s, are the most effective immune stimulants that are available in the marketplace. Nerium Oleander Extract had an incredible SIX TIMES the activity of those other stimulants in tests conducted in Europe in 1985 and 1986!
An aqueous extract of oleander contains over 500 trace compounds, and it appears that many of these compounds work together in ways that no isolate can. Because many of the water-soluble compounds, like long-chain polysaccharides, are lost during the ethanol extraction process, an aqueous (water) extract may be significantly more effective than an ethanol extract. Various types of cancer and hepatitis C have both been successfully treated with home-made and commercially prepared oleander water extractions.